The theme for this year's retreat is “Unidentified: Uncovering the Truth of Who We Really Are.”  We all crave some sort of identity. We all feel the need for something that will give us worth, value, importance, and significance.  You don’t have to spend much time around teenagers to realize that they’re desperately searching for an identity.  They’re no strangers to the fact that they need a place to belong, to be known, and to be identified.  They try to fill that void with a bunch of different things – what they do, say, think, wear, who they date, where they go…you get the point. But the problem is those things will never satisfy their need for an identity.  Nothing this world can offer ever will.

The truth is the only place any of us will ever find true, meaningful identity, is in Jesus.  God created us all in His image, so we have an eternal identity in Him.  However, our sin has stolen that identity and separated us from Him, branding us as unidentified people. But all throughout the Bible we can see the great news that Jesus has come to take the identity of sinners upon Himself so that we can be reidentified in Him.  Through faith and by His grace, God gives us new hearts so that we can have real belonging, a new purpose, new meaning, and a new identity in Christ!

January 17th-20th
Check-in begins at 5:00 pm on Friday, January 17th, and concludes at 11:15 on Monday, January 20th

WHO IS IT FOR?  Any student grades 7th - 12th

WHERE WILL WINTER RETREAT 2025 BE HELD?  Shocco Springs in Talladega, Alabama

Early Registration - $275 (October 6th - December 1st)
Late registration - $300 (December 2nd - January 10th)
All forms and payment due no later than January 10th
Registration includes: meals, materials, and a Winter Retreat hoodie
To register click HERE

Any student attending the retreat must fill out a Medical Release Form.  This is a one time form that is good for the entire 2025 year.  You will also be asked to fill out a mandatory Shocco Waiver closer to the retreat.    
Click HERE for the Medical Release Form 

Scholarships are available. Please email Corey Elliott at [email protected] or Noel Steeley at [email protected] for more information.

//Peter McNamee//
Peter serves on staff at Austin Stone Community Church. He was previously on staff with Student Life Camp for 4 years as an Event Director. Before moving to Austin, he served at Cross Creek Church in Colorado as a Young Adults Pastor. He has a passion for seeing people know and follow Jesus through their own personal relationship with Him. He is a fan of New York sports, reading, and cycling. Peter currently lives in Austin, TX, with his wife, Meredith.

WHO IS THE WORSHIP LEADER?  //Davey Leverett//
Davey & Bree Leverett are worship leaders based out of eastern Alabama with a passion for seeing people have an opportunity to encounter the true love of Jesus through moments in worship. They’ve traveled all over the southeast region of the United States sharing their heart in worship and pointing people to the cross. Davey & Bree want to create a safe space in worship for everyone to feel comfortable engaging in worship in their own way. They believe that worship is never about just singing songs, but about truly posturing yourself to glorify God, not only in a worship service, but in all that we do.