Adult Groups at Westwood
It is our desire to move people from rows to circles to invest in each other's lives, so we can impact the world for Jesus Christ! The purpose of GROUPS is to help people grow spiritually in relationship with God and others.
Life Groups: These groups are open groups that meet throughout the year, on and off campus and on different days of the week. Childcare is available. For a list of Adults Groups click HERE.
Growth Groups: These groups are a part of your Impact Wednesday nights that meet from 6:15-7:30PM, two semesters a year; Fall and Spring. Various topics are taught. Childcare is available. Click HERE for a list of classes available this fall.
Home Groups: These groups are closed groups that meet throughout the week during two semesters a year; Fall and Spring. Childcare will be available at the church for the Sunday evening groups, with a reservation. Click HERE for more information and to see a list of new Home Groups starting February 2025!
Sunday Evening Childcare for Groups: Childcare will be provided at Westwood on Sunday evenings for group meetings. Hours will be between 5-8pm. Please click HERE for important information regarding childcare, and the schedule for dates/holidays childcare is NOT provided.