News & Events

Year-End Statements
Contribution statements for 2024 will be mailed as soon as possible in January, but no later than January 31, 2025. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please be sure that you have received your final year-end contributions statement before filing your 2024 taxes.

Churchwide Night of Prayer | January 15 | 6:15PM
Adults and students will begin another year with a night of prayer to thank the Lord for all He has done in the life of His people and to seek His face for wisdom as we launch into 2025. We will have a time of worship and prayer as a reminder that as the “body of Christ” it is essential for us to STOP and “be still and know that He is God”.  Make plans to attend this special night. Children and preschool will resume their normal Wednesday night activities.

Impact Wednesday Nights Resumes | Wednesday, January 22 | 6:15PM-7:30PM
We will resume our normal Wednesday night programming on, January 22.  For a list of classes available visit

Spanish as a Second Language | Classes start January 29 | 6:15PM
We will be offering Spanish as a Second Language as part of our Impact Wednesday nights.  We have a few more spots available. To register visit:  After class fills up, we will retain a wait list for the next semester.

Lift Mission Summit | February 1-5
Save the date and make plans to come to our LIFT Mission Summit.  Be watching for more details!

Women’s Ministry the Table Event | February 8 | 8:30AM-4:00PM | Cost $25
All women are invited to join other women for a time to dig into God’s Word and fellowship together at The Table.  Doors open at 8:30AM, and worship begins at 9AM.  The cost includes the conference fee and a box lunch. To register visit

Discover Westwood Class | February 9 | 10:45AM | Westwood Room
If you are interested in learning more about membership at Westwood or have questions about what it means to be a part of the Westwood family this class is for you. We would love to meet you at 10:45AM in the Westwood Room.

Spring Kids CAM Registration Opens | February 11 | 9AM
Registration for our Spring Kids CAM opens February 11, at 9AM. To register visit  Kids CAM is for kids in grades 1-6. Kids will participate in one track of their choice. Practice will be on Sundays from 5-6:30PM starting February 23. The dress rehearsal will be on April 27 and the showcase will be on May 4, at 5PM. Track details will be provided on the website soon.

Get ready for PTX Conference | February 21 & 22 | Cost: $75
All 4th, 5th and 6th graders are invited to PTX Conference (Pre-teen Extreme). They will have a fun weekend which will include learning about the Bible, games, Armageddon Adventure trail, music, and food, plus a special event from KidBlitz Ministries. Register by February 16 at

Grief Share | Begins January 21 | 6:30 - 8:30PM | Cost: $30
Are you feeling angry or full of regret? Are you depressed and wondering how to heal? Do you walk around in a mental fog after a loss? All this is normal. And while your journey is unique, you’ll find many grieving people are facing the same struggles. New class begins Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30PM, in Small Groups Building Room 10. Come to Grief Share and find love and support with others who’ve gone before you and can help.  For more information email [email protected]

2nd Annual Daddy/Daughter Dance | February 28 | 6PM | Lower Atrium
All girls ages 2 years through 6th grade are invited to bring their dads for a special night of dancing. The cost is $25 per family. To register email Katie Hilyer at [email protected] or call 205-294-0287.

