Welcome to Men's Ministry
Westwood's Men's Ministry exists to invest in and equip men to impact their world for Jesus Christ. Below are some ways we help you connect with other men and grow as men in Christ.
Men's Discipleship Groups: (Click HERE for more information)
At Westwood, our discipleship plan is called Knowing and Following Christ, which is a three-part process of GROWING, GOING and MULTIPLYING through groups designed to bring men together to invest, encourage, and challenge one another to become the men God has called them to be.
Knowing and Following Him - Part 1: GROW
Part one is focused on Knowing Christ by building relationships with other men pursuing Christ and allowing Him to build us up in unity and maturity in the faith and knowledge of Christ. Groups meet weekly to study God’s Word, identify the core truths from God’s Word, and apply those truths in their lives. “Be doers of the Word, not hearers only.”
Knowing and Following Him Part 2: GO
Part two is focused on Following Christ by equipping men to apply what they have learned in Part 1 through serving at different ministries in our community. The men start by reviewing the ministry opportunities and creating a plan designed around their strengths and weaknesses. Then as a group, they walk out that plan, one step at a time together, allowing Christ to teach and equip them as men that impact their world for Christ.
Knowing and Following Him Part 3: Multiply
Part three is focused on Multiplying what men have learned in the first two parts by leading other men to GROW, GO, and MULTIPLY themselves.
Get Connected and Serve:
(Click HERE to get connected and serve)
Westwood exists to invest in people who will impact their world for Christ. But we can't do that with out you.
Randy Watts, Minister to Men and Global Missions
Phone: 205.664.0122
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming Events
SafetyNet Monthly Trip: To learn more about this ministry contact Randy Watts at [email protected].